2024~2025 Drama production


Inglewood MS PTSA and Studio East Announce the 2024-25 Inglewood School Play!


Two shows: Friday 2/7 at 7pm and Saturday 2/8 at 5pm

At Inglewood Commons


Buy your tickets HERE


Download the digital program HERE


IMS and Studio East are excited to bring the modern musical adaptation of the
beloved children's book by Roald Dahl. This year’s production is open to all
students, 6th through 8th grade.


Studio East provides the directors, script, music, sets and costumes. Inglewood
provides student actors with a willingness to learn and a positive attitude, and
parent volunteers!



The funds paid to Studio East are raised through registration fees, ticket sales, program advertising, concessions sold during the shows and individual donations.


The audition signup is over. We cannot take any more students. If your student is already registered, please read this page carefully for all the important information. 

  • Parent Information Packet HERE
  • Studio East Registration form linked HERE.
  • Link to Parent Meeting Recording HERE.
  • Complete production calendar linked HERE.
  • Committee sign up HERE
  • Chaperone sign up HERE
  • Registration fee is $200/student and collected via the PTSA website (the $200 fee includes 4 free tickets to the show.)  Payment is due before the audition day (Dec 3).  Registration fee is non-refundable after December 3rd.  PTSA scholarships are available, please contact your school counselor for information.  
  • Parents must supply all production conflict information via Registration Form prior to auditions to help with audition and rehearsal scheduling.
  • Auditions will be held after school on December 2nd and 3rd, with call backs on the 4th and an all cast call on the 5th for a read-through of the script.
  • Rehearsals are after school from January 6th to February 6th.
  • All students will not necessarily be needed for every rehearsal, and an effort is made to schedule around conflicts that are provided with registration, prior to casting.  


Schedule Outline:

  • Dec 3rd: Deadline for registration payment, forms, and refund.
  • Nov 18th - 7pm: Mandatory Parent meeting. If you missed the meeting, the recording is HERE.
  • Dec 2nd & 3rd, 2:30-5:30pm: Auditions (Only need to attend one)
  • Dec 4th 1:00-4:00pm: Callback
  • Dec 5th 2:30p-5:30pm: Casting and 1st read-through
  • Jan 13th: Costume fitting
  • Jan 6th – Jan 30th: Rehearsals run Mondays-Thursdays (M/T/Th 2:30-5:30pm; W 1-4pm). Exception: Jan 20th MLK – NO rehearsal. Jan 24th Fri – Rehearsals 2:30-5:30pm
  • Feb 3rd -6th: Mandatory Tech Rehearsals (Longer hours: M/T/Th 2:30-6:00pm; W 1-4:30pm)
  • Feb 7th - 7pm and Feb 8th- 5pm: Mandatory Performances
  • Feb 8th - 6:30pm: Cast party




Auditions and rehearsals take place in the IMS commons.

Performances will be on the stage in the commons.


Important Information:


This production cannot happen without parent support. All parents are required to volunteer approximately 5 ~ 10 hours during these weeks. The support includes chaperoning in the rehearsal and serving in one committee. Click the links to sign up for chaperone and committee before or at the audition or you will be assigned to slots

You have to be a PTSA member and approved LWSD volunteer to chaperone. Click here to join IMS PTSA: https://inglewoodptsa.givebacks.com/store?limit=21&live=true    Check your LWSD volunteer status here: https://www.lwsd.org/get-involved/volunteering-in-lwsd 





Q: What is the audition like? What will my students be asked to do?

A: Directors lead warm-ups, explain process and expectations, and tell students about the roles. Music director teaches a few lines of a song and asks students to sing in small groups or solo, and explains opportunities for those interested in solo-singing roles. Students present a memorized monologue of 30-90 seconds and sing a short song for 30 seconds. Director may give each student direction and watch for student response. (Because Studio East is a training facility, we ask that monologues be memorized.)


Q: What are callbacks?

A: Callbacks are the third day of the audition process. The entire cast is called to read scenes and sing songs from the musical. (Some directors may prefer a “staggered release” for callbacks, allowing the younger students to leave early.)


Q: What are Tech Rehearsals?

A: Tech Rehearsals are the final dress rehearsals that happen at the stage. Directors will help actors to run through the whole show. These are the most important rehearsals before the shows and not to be missed.


Q: Can my students miss any rehearsals?

A: Rehearsals are important. But we understand that students are busy with other activities also. We ask families to provide accurate conflict dates prior to auditions. Directors will take absences into account when casting and schedule rehearsals. If students are absent due to illness during rehearsal weeks, please contact the producer immediately. Attendance during final week of tech rehearsals is mandatory. Illness is the only excusable absence. Absences during the final week may result in reduction of role or dismissal.


Q: How are the drama titles being chosen?

A: Production titles are on a rotation in order for Studio East to serve as many students per year as possible. All titles are appropriate for young people. All scripts are written in a way so that every actor has a chance to shine.


If you have questions, please contact Kristi Rockenbach (kristi.rockenbach@gmail.com) & Jiaying Ni (nijiaying@yahoo.com)